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GabrielAI introduces "Human"

Dublin - 7 June 2024

GabrielAI, the leader in email managements with AI, is launching human

GabrielAI provides the most advanced email management solution for emails, including automatic summary generation, smart filtering, and automatic generation of email drafts.

As leaders in email management, we have developed tools to manage automatically emails inboxs.

However, automatic tools are not always enough for our customers and they need more help in managing the email inbox.

We discover that the biggest hurdles to get to a clean and productive inbox are the very first steps:

  1. Deleting old emails not useful anymore
  2. Organize years of emails in a way that works for our customers
  3. Unsubscribe from the mailing list not interesting anymore
  4. Creating the correct labels that work best in the day-to-day operations
  5. Creating the best filters to categorize each email

After these first steps are done, it is much simpler to manage and keep an email inbox organized, clean, and productive.

Introducing Human

To help our clients overcome the first big hurdle of cleaning their email inbox for the first time, we introduce human.

The service is provided by real humans who connect with the clients, listen to their needs, understand the client's pain points, and how the client uses their email inboxes.

We then help our clients to:

  1. Get rid of all the old emails,
  2. Creating labels to organize the emails in a way that works for our specific client,
  3. Unsubscribe or organize mailing lists and,
  4. Create the correct filters.

This process is done in close collaboration with our clients, to guarantee that no important information is lost.

Fast process

We aim to complete our new "human" service in only 2 business days.

Being able to quickly improve our customer lives is the main focus of GabrielAI - hence our goal is to serve all of our customers in 2 days.

Still an AI-focused company

"Human" as a product is not a pivot from our AI-first strategy.

We can offer this service cheaply and with such fast leading time SPECIFICALLY because of our focus on AI.

Comparable service are much less precise, much more expensive, and much slower.

With "human" we are leveraging AI for what AI does best, avoiding human collaborators the grunt, boring, tedious, and, error-prone work.

All this while using our human collaborators for their empathy, understanding of the specific situations, and the innate willingness of helping each other out.

"Human" can be purchased today at:

How to manage too many emails

Most people receive too many emails.

Besides work email, if you are a parent, you will have emails from your kids' school and activities.

Maybe you participate in your religious community, and that will means even more emails.

Then, of course, all the email spam accumulated over the years.

Receiving too many emails can be challenging, stressful and it is a waste of time. And time is money.

Over the internet there are a lot of advice on how to manage emails, they are all well-meaning advice but they are all repetitive and not helpful.

Email advice

Unsubscribe from all the mailing list

The first piece of advice when managing too many emails is to delete all the promotional and spam emails.

Gmail does it almost for you with the new "Unsubscribe" button. The alternative is to search for promotional words like "Unsubscribe" in your emails and click on the unsubscribe button for all of them.

It does take a while, but it can be done. And it will make your inbox feel much more tidy.

However, the trick here is to do the work slowly and incrementally. Instead of sitting down and unsubscribe to everything all at once.

Next time you receive an email you are not interested in, instead of ignoring it, open it up and unsubscribe.

Going this way will make this process much less tedious and much more bearable.

Organize your inbox using labels

Labels are the way you should organize your Gmail inbox.

Filters are the way you should set labels.

If you are managing an email inbox that gets too many emails, let automation and filters do the heavy lifting.

Create filters to automatically apply labels to your emails. Unfortunately, it is not always possible, since it can be very hard or even simply impossible to create the correct filters.

The second best alternative is to just apply the labels manually, as you check your inbox, one by one.

It is tedious, you will likely forget, and your label won't work as well. But up to now, it is the best alternative.

Take care of it as soon as you read it

Taking care of your emails as soon as you read them is another great strategy.

If you need to answer the email, do it.

If you need to archive the email, do it.

If you need to take an action, do it.

But do it as soon as you read your email, do not park your emails for hours hoping to get back to them. You will not ALWAYS go back to your email, and you are going to miss something.

This is counterintuitive, but really helps when managing too many emails.

Reach Inbox Zero

Reaching Inbox Zero means that there are zero emails in your inbox.

It is a short momentary win, you will get a new email soon.

But as mental tricks, it works really well. The emails you will receive and the amount of work you will need to do, are always the same.

But you won't feel overwhelmed by it. And you will be, every time, so close to your goal of Inbox Zero that it won't feel too much of a chore.

It does require the patience to go through all your unread emails, read them, and act on them.

But it is extremely rewarding.

Get a virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is someone, that you pay, to do tasks for you.

One of those task can be managing your emails.

Your virtual assistant could read your emails for you and summarize them.

Or it could apply the correct labels for you.

It could as well drafting a possible reply to some emails that you just need to double-check.

A virtual assistant is a great solution to help managing an inbox with too many emails if you have a lot of emails AND the budget.

Besides being very expensive, virtual assistants are slow, it is still an human that needs to check each email. But they can help.

The new simpler way

Today, the best way to handle your emails is with an AI virtual assistant.

You get the same result of a virtual assistant, but at a tiny monthly budget.

GabrielAI is your AI virtual assistant.

Automatic summary of your emails

One of the most common tasks of a virtual assistant is to summarize emails.

If you are getting too many emails, this saves so much time each day.

Instead of opening each email, one by one, a summary helps in deciding ahead of time what needs to be done and what is important what is not important.

This also avoids getting distracted.

Imagine to log into your email inbox in the morning and having one email that summarizes all the emails you received during the night.

A single email to read, and then you are up to speed with everything that you should know.

After you decide which emails need your attention, you can focus on those only. Saving so much time.

GabrielAI implements this features for you.

Using GabrielAI you will automatically receive an email summary each morning.

Smart Filtering

Email filtering is very hard to get right, but it is fundamental when you are managing too many emails.

Email filtering is hard because it is based on very mechanical comparisons.

If the email is from the address: [email protected]

Or if the email contains the word: "Invoice"

Or if the email has a subject with the word: "[New Sales"

These are the classical emails filters that people can use.

Those email filters help in cleaning up, and removing the noise, but not really in organizing the inbox.

For organizing the inbox you need semantic filtering.

If the email is about project "Alpha"

Or if the email is about school activity for Jason.

Or if the email is about the request for fundings.

It is not simple to filter for those semantic filters, you cannot use word match anymore.

This is where a virtual assistant helps. A virtual assistant can apply judgment and "smartness" to an email, and decide in which category it belongs.

With GabrielAI we don't need anymore a virtual assistant, we can just use an AI to automatically manage all of this.

Just describe to the AI which email should be filtered. GabrielAI will apply judgment and apply the correct labels to each email.

In this way, you will keep your inbox not only tidy but also organized.

Auto drafting

Another trick to manage your emails when you receive too many of them is simple. Do less for each email.

Instead of spending time to reply to each email, let your virtual assistant create a draft for you.

You can just review the draft, adjust it, and send it.

Much much faster than writing everything from scratch.

If you teach your virtual assistant how to do it, they will happily write your draft for you.

GabrielAI already implements automatic drafting. You just describe how Gabriel should reply to your emails and it will automatically create a draft for you. The draft will be ready a few seconds after you receive your email.

In this way, you will have much less work to do and it will be much simpler to manage your inbox.


There are many tools, ideas, and techniques to manage an email inbox when you receive too many emails.

The most efficient way is to get a virtual assistant, but they are too expensive and slow.

With GabrielAI you get the same benefits of a virtual assistant, but it is cheaper and much much faster. Always working for you.

You will wake up in the morning with an email inbox well organized and ready to get done with the important work.

You can try GabrielAI today.

How to sign-off an email

After you write your professional, clean, precise emails.

Or after you let GabrielAI automatically write that email for you, following exactly your input, using our Auto drafting feature.

It is now time to sign off your email.

Before diving into the several possibilities, it is important to understand why we sign off emails.

Why sign off emails

Sign-off emails act as a clear break of communication.

It signals the reader that you have terminate the communication and that they should not expect anything else from you at this time.

However, the correct sign-off will signal to the reader your expectations from them.

Do you expect them to just read the email?

Do you expect them to reply to your email with some information they have on top of their head?

Are you starting a conversation that might or might not need a reply?

Do you expect them to take some action?

Should they be happy? Worried? Relaxed?

Signing off your email can change the tone of your whole email.

It should be done carefully, to avoid a very friendly email ending in a scary way. Or a worrisome email ending with a false positive note.

Signing off routine emails

Most emails are just standard business communication.

You may ask something that the other party is suppose to deliver. Or they may ask you something that you are supposed to deliver.

In a routine communication, a simple "Best Regards", or "Warm Regards" is a perfect sign-off. Simple, professional, expected.

Some emails sound routine emails, but they are not.

For instance, if you are helping a client solving a frustrating problem.

The other party will feel frustrated, in a hurry, will wonder if it is a good idea to keep your firm as a business partner.

In cases like this, we suggest a more personal touch. "I will update you as soon as possible!", or even "As soon as I have news I will update you".

It must be calibrated with how serious is the issue and the problem.

Status report

Sometimes you may want to send a status report to a wider audience.

Sign off the email telling when the audience should expect the next status report.

Does not need to be precise but it should give the audience an idea. It might be around a date, or around the completion of a milestone.

"Please expect the next report by the 7th of May" or "I will report back as soon as Milestone 5 is completed" or again "We expect to complete Milestone 3 by Q3, please expect updates shortly before."

Express disappointment

It happens that over email you must express some sort of disappointment.

You were expecting an important document by a specific date, and the deadline is now over.

You have been passed over for an interesting piece of work?

Some line of work that you depend on was not completed?

In a professional environment is important to not get emotional, even - especially - if it is important for you.

Nevertheless, if you are replying to those emails, it is important to express the correct emotion. They must know that it is not ok.

A dry "Regards" or just "Best" or even nothing or a simple "-" is usually enough to signal a serious and worrisome tone.

Keep it professional, but make sure your message comes across.

Ask for an action

Sometimes you need the other party to take some action. Maybe the creation of a report. Or sending over some file. Or checking some data.

The message should be clear in the email body, so even without reading the sign-off people should know that you are expecting them to do something.

However, it is important to communicate clearly also on the signoff that some action is required.

Depending on the situation and the ask you may ask when to expect updates, or you may ask if they are questions.

For instance: "When can I expect some updates? Best regards," or similarly "Let me know if there are any more questions" or again "Hopefully there are not question anymore"

Beware that those signoffs can come out quite strong.

Propose yourself

Sometimes you want to propose yourself for a new position, a new line of work, a different role, a PhD position, a lease, etc...

Those emails can be signed off with a simple "Respectfully" to signal your respect toward the organization to which you are proposing, in a very formal sign-off.

Otherwise, a more friendly and low-stakes approach could be "Waiting on news from you", or even "Hoping on positive news from you".

More relaxed environments

Sometimes emails can be used also in less professional environment.

If you routinely email your best friend in the office, you can terminate with a simpler "Cheers!", or also just a ":)"

No one is going to check those emails or judge you by them. Go crazy and have a laugh.

Not that big of an issue

We went through some sign-offs for your email - but remember those are not such a big deal.

The content, tone, and the whole email overall are definitely more important than just the sign-off.

However, the signoff can re-iterate your point in your email, making your email clearer and communication more crisp.

Don't be afraid of a strong signoff, sometimes it is needed.

Never get an email wrong with GabrielAI

If you have read so far, emails are a big part of your work and you want to get better at them.

GabrielAI is a tool to help you manage your email inbox, saving time on each email! Everyday!

It is your email assistant helps declutter your email inbox, keeps it clean, and automatically creates drafts for the most common emails (with the correct sign-offs).

Finally, it also sends email summaries so it is easier to stay up to date on anything.

Virtual Email Assistant

A virtual email assistant helps you in managing your email load.

They are a great service for busy executives and rich business owners.

But they are EXPENSIVE!

When you hire a virtual email assistant you are hiring a person, working for you, oftentimes in a different time zone.

This employer needs a wage that can be substantial, and of course, it does not work during holidays (everybody needs to relax), it does not work at night (everybody need to sleep) it does not work during lunch breaks (everybody needs to eat) and makes mistakes (as every human.)

Besides all those shortcomings and beside the high price, they are a wonderful service for executives in big corporations, where budget is not an issue, or for busy business owner for which time is extremely expensive.

But what about the rest of us?

What about the smaller employer, in a small or medium company, that receives too many every day?

What about the small business owner that cannot afford another employer on its payroll?

What about the academic professor who doesn't have the budget to hire anyone?

Should we all just live with our huge email load, understand that there is nothing we can do, and move on with our lives?

I am not ok with the idea of dreading each morning, when I open my emails, and find dozens upon dozens of emails that I need to go through.

Some of those are important, and they require my attention. Some other are just noise, marketing, and stuff I don't care about.

A virtual email assistant would solve this problem for me.

It would categorize most of the email in neatly organized folders or labels.

It would then send me only one email, where I can see the summaries of all the emails I received during the night. In this way, I could just skim the email summary, skip the ones that I don't care about, and focus only on the important ones.

A great virtual assistant would also understand how to answer some emails. Some repetitive emails don't need to be answered over and over again. I would teach my virtual email assistant how to answer a whole class of emails, what to include in each response, where to look for the information, and presto! I would just need to double-check and send the email!

Wouldn't be wonderful for someone else doing this work for me?

Introducing GabrielAI - your virtual email assistant

With the advancement of AI, we finally have the tools to build this virtual assistant.

And it is so cheap that everybody can afford it!

GabrielAI is capable of neatly organize your inbox. Just a few seconds after you receive your email, the correct labels are applied and your inbox will be neatly organized and easy to follow in no time.

GabrielAI also summarizes your email for you. It saves so much time in the morning to simply skim your email summaries instead of your whole inbox. It makes it so much simpler to know where to focus your attention.

Finally, GabrielAI can create drafts of your emails following your instructions. You just need to explain how to reply to each email and it will create drafts ready for you to review and send.

The virtual email assistant for everyone

GabrielAI is a virtual email assistant that everyone can use! To use GabrielAI you just need to describe in plain text how it should behave. No complex filters, nothing new to learn, just tell it how it should handle your emails.

GabrielAI is a no-code tool for everyone.

The tireless virtual email assistant

GabrielAI works every day for you, behind the scenes, tirelessely. Does not matter if it is the weekend, or late at night.

Each email that you receive will be handle quickly, in just a few seconds.

By the time you see the email in your inbox there is already a label applied to it and a draft ready to be sent as reply.

The cheap virtual email assistant

GabrielAI was created to help EVERYBODY, and I really mean EVEYRBODY, to handle their email load.

It is priced in such a way that it is a no brainer for all the office worker. It saves hours and hours each day and week and it cost a mere fraction of it.

Virtual email assistants are not anymore something for reach executives or bussiness owner.

Every employee, freelancer, academic can now afford its very own virtual email assistant.

Try GabrielAI today

You can try GabrielAI today.

The Best Email Assistant

There are many tools that help with writing.

Some tools focus on writing scientific papers, some help fiction writers, and others assist with writing emails.

These tools are great, and they definitely serve a purpose.

However, they are NOT assistants.

You still have to do most of the work.

Sure, it's faster, the text is generated quickly, it contains fewer errors, sounds more professional, etc...

But those are not assistants, and the user still needs to think and spend time with those tools.

GabrielAI is the best email assistant you can find on the market.

Unlike other tools, it does not require the most expensive and precious resource that you and all the other tools need: you.

GabrielAI is a real email assistant because it removes work from your busy schedule and allows you to save time, money, and stress.


You no longer need to constantly check emails to stay on top of things.

With our autosummary feature, you will get one email that summarizes all the emails you have missed.

No need to continuously refresh your client.

Stop feeling overwhelmed by the huge amount of emails in the morning or after your lunch break.

GabrielAI, THE best email assistant, will just send you a comprehensive summary of all the things you have missed.

Being Organized

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all your emails were organized with the labels and in the folders that you need?

Without you having to do the work?

Ideally, a few seconds after you receive your email?

This is what an email assistant is for, right?

And this is what GabrielAI delivers with its smart filters!

Just describe which emails belong in which label or folder, and you will find them automatically in the right place! In a few seconds!

Respond Quickly and Stress-Free

A real email assistant would not be complete if it couldn't take typing and thinking off your hands.

And again, GabrielAI delivers!

Describe the scenario that GabrielAI should handle for you. Describe which email you would like GabrielAI to reply to and how you would like it to reply. Then forget about it.

GabrielAI is a tireless assistant that will examine each email you receive. If the emails match your description, it will generate a draft for you.

You only need to double-check it and send it!

This is real time-saving.

A Real Email Assistant

GabrielAI is a real email assistant. The best email assistant you can currently find on the market!

Try GabrielAI today

You can try GabrielAI today.

GabrielAI the Email Assistant App

Many web application can help being more efficient in your day to day.

GabrielAI is an app that is different from most other application and helps you in managing your emails.

If you are looking to manage automatically your emails, GabrielAI is the app for you.

A web app

GabrielAI is a web app, there is nothing to install in your phone or computer.

But you can definitely use it on both your smarthphone, Android, Iphone, Mac or Windows machine.

You just need to connect to the web app and you will be able to manage GabrielAI.

Set the app once

GabrielAI is the kind of app that works in the background for you!

You only need to set it up once, maybe tweak it depending on your results, but you only need to do it once.

After your set up is done the app works for you in the backgroun, checking and analyzing every one of your emails.

No code app

GabrielAI is a no code app.

All the difficult part of understanding how to manage your inbox is already being handle by us.

You only need to describe how you want your emails to be handled.

Maybe you want all the emails about the wedding in a specific folder? You can just say: "If the email is about the wedding then put it into the "WEDDING" folder"

Or you want to automatically draft a reply for all the invoices that you receive over email? You can just say: "If the email is a request for a new invoice, reply thanking the supplier for their service and let them know that we will process the payment in the next 5 working days"

For using the GabrielAI app you don't need to learn coding or manage complicated email filters. Just describe what you want your new virtual email assistant to do for you.

A subscription app

With GabrielAI we want to offer the best service, at the best price.

We made GabrielAI for everyone, so that every single office worker, freelancer or small bussinees owner can afford it.

You pay the email assistant app only when you are using. You can stop paying us any time without being locked in multi year service agreements.

The app for tidy up your inbox

GabrielAI allows you to keep you inbox tidy and well ordered.

You just need to describe how to categorize the new emails - in which folder to put them or which label to apply. The GabrielAI app will automatically take care of it for you!

The app for saving time each day

GabrielAI saves you time each day with its email summary feature.

You don't need to do anything but saving time. You will regularly receive a summary email with the digest of all the unread emails in your inbox.

No need anymore to spend the morning figuring out which emails is important and which is not. Just read your summary email and start your day faster.

The app to save you stress

GabrielAI saves you stress each day by automatically drafting responses to the most common emails you receive.

You just need to describe to it how to reply and to which email. Again, no special tool. Just describe what the app it should be doing.

In the background, tirelessly, GabrielAI will work for you. Generating professional, simple and clean emails for you. You just need to double check it and send the email.

Try GabrielAI today

You can try GabrielAI today.