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How to sign-off an email

After you write your professional, clean, precise emails.

Or after you let GabrielAI automatically write that email for you, following exactly your input, using our Auto drafting feature.

It is now time to sign off your email.

Before diving into the several possibilities, it is important to understand why we sign off emails.

Why sign off emails

Sign-off emails act as a clear break of communication.

It signals the reader that you have terminate the communication and that they should not expect anything else from you at this time.

However, the correct sign-off will signal to the reader your expectations from them.

Do you expect them to just read the email?

Do you expect them to reply to your email with some information they have on top of their head?

Are you starting a conversation that might or might not need a reply?

Do you expect them to take some action?

Should they be happy? Worried? Relaxed?

Signing off your email can change the tone of your whole email.

It should be done carefully, to avoid a very friendly email ending in a scary way. Or a worrisome email ending with a false positive note.

Signing off routine emails

Most emails are just standard business communication.

You may ask something that the other party is suppose to deliver. Or they may ask you something that you are supposed to deliver.

In a routine communication, a simple "Best Regards", or "Warm Regards" is a perfect sign-off. Simple, professional, expected.

Some emails sound routine emails, but they are not.

For instance, if you are helping a client solving a frustrating problem.

The other party will feel frustrated, in a hurry, will wonder if it is a good idea to keep your firm as a business partner.

In cases like this, we suggest a more personal touch. "I will update you as soon as possible!", or even "As soon as I have news I will update you".

It must be calibrated with how serious is the issue and the problem.

Status report

Sometimes you may want to send a status report to a wider audience.

Sign off the email telling when the audience should expect the next status report.

Does not need to be precise but it should give the audience an idea. It might be around a date, or around the completion of a milestone.

"Please expect the next report by the 7th of May" or "I will report back as soon as Milestone 5 is completed" or again "We expect to complete Milestone 3 by Q3, please expect updates shortly before."

Express disappointment

It happens that over email you must express some sort of disappointment.

You were expecting an important document by a specific date, and the deadline is now over.

You have been passed over for an interesting piece of work?

Some line of work that you depend on was not completed?

In a professional environment is important to not get emotional, even - especially - if it is important for you.

Nevertheless, if you are replying to those emails, it is important to express the correct emotion. They must know that it is not ok.

A dry "Regards" or just "Best" or even nothing or a simple "-" is usually enough to signal a serious and worrisome tone.

Keep it professional, but make sure your message comes across.

Ask for an action

Sometimes you need the other party to take some action. Maybe the creation of a report. Or sending over some file. Or checking some data.

The message should be clear in the email body, so even without reading the sign-off people should know that you are expecting them to do something.

However, it is important to communicate clearly also on the signoff that some action is required.

Depending on the situation and the ask you may ask when to expect updates, or you may ask if they are questions.

For instance: "When can I expect some updates? Best regards," or similarly "Let me know if there are any more questions" or again "Hopefully there are not question anymore"

Beware that those signoffs can come out quite strong.

Propose yourself

Sometimes you want to propose yourself for a new position, a new line of work, a different role, a PhD position, a lease, etc...

Those emails can be signed off with a simple "Respectfully" to signal your respect toward the organization to which you are proposing, in a very formal sign-off.

Otherwise, a more friendly and low-stakes approach could be "Waiting on news from you", or even "Hoping on positive news from you".

More relaxed environments

Sometimes emails can be used also in less professional environment.

If you routinely email your best friend in the office, you can terminate with a simpler "Cheers!", or also just a ":)"

No one is going to check those emails or judge you by them. Go crazy and have a laugh.

Not that big of an issue

We went through some sign-offs for your email - but remember those are not such a big deal.

The content, tone, and the whole email overall are definitely more important than just the sign-off.

However, the signoff can re-iterate your point in your email, making your email clearer and communication more crisp.

Don't be afraid of a strong signoff, sometimes it is needed.

Never get an email wrong with GabrielAI

If you have read so far, emails are a big part of your work and you want to get better at them.

GabrielAI is a tool to help you manage your email inbox, saving time on each email! Everyday!

It is your email assistant helps declutter your email inbox, keeps it clean, and automatically creates drafts for the most common emails (with the correct sign-offs).

Finally, it also sends email summaries so it is easier to stay up to date on anything.